Saturday, April 2, 2011

Making Our Mark

Posted: March 24, 8:21 am | (permalink) | (0 comments)
There’s a tree on which cruisers have carved their names, dates, boat name, documenting they've been there. Unfortunately the practice became so popular (what is it about humans, that mandates we leave tangible proof of our passing?) that the tree died. A somewhat gentler version is now encouraged, of painting a piece of driftwood, sometimes also decorated with shells or other found items. Some of the displays are happily chaotic, like this one on the top of Boo Boo Hill on Warderick Wells Cay. (For the history buffs, the “boo” refers to the sound that the ghosts of shipwrecked sailors make, not “boo boo” as in mistake.)

Other displays are more structured; this one is at Compass Cay Marina.

Our fellow cruiser Maria Lindqvist paints their boat name, Querencia, on a piece of driftwood she found while walking along the beach.

Our own offering:

Dan hung it at Highbourne Cay, which was to be our last port of call before returning to the U.S. Early the next morning, we started our homeward journey.

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