Thursday, February 13, 2025

Another 'Nother Life Lesson Along With Your Tour of the Galeon (No Extra Charge)

 Ah, the best-laid plans. We arrived here at the dock in Newcastle on time, ready to open…and this is what the tide gave us! The ramp is normally straight or slightly sloped. (Yes we knew the tidal range here, but couldn’t predict how we’d interact with the dock until we arrived.) This ramp is not exactly welcoming, and is a challenge even for our very fit and agile crew not even considering the public. So, we wait until the change of tide, as patiently as we can, with some disappointed people on shore looking on. Longer term solution involves some very large fenders so we can sit further away from the dock and decrease that crazy slope. We’ve had this situation before. As our manager reminded us, “It’s not a ‘problem,’ it’s a ‘situation’ we can adapt to and manage.” (Sounds a bit better in Spanish but still, attitude and how you frame the question, determines how and whether you address it.) 

The "passarella" (gangplank) doing its best to adapt to the extremely low tide.

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